Went to The Mines shopping mall today with baby Shan and Jim. The spec shop are all doing year end sales and their sunglasses are superb cheap! 30%, 40% or some even less than 100bucks with famous brand! We can't stop our excitedness, survey around the spec shop in the mall since baby Jim and I wanted to get one sunglasses before Bali. =p
HAVE, YOU, SPOT, IT!??!? ISN'T IT NICE?!?!??!?! I wanted to survey and don't really mean to buy, I mean my main purpose was survey. BUT, I, BOUGHT, IT!!!! Thanks to the tiny Miss Liew, she bought her sunglasses, that's why I bought mine too. =p
You know what? The original price of the spec was RM238, p/s if not mistaken. And now, it only cost RM120 when it sold out for me! Woohoo! By the way, I forgotten what it's brand. LOL. Well that's not the point.
Baby Jim's sunglasses! Her sunglasses only cost RM90! So unfair =( You should really get the Bonia one, that one nicer =p *evil me don't let her so happy because she bought a cheaper sunglasses than me*
We actually wanted to get a power sunglasses yet the salesperson don't encourage us to put power as well. We will feeling dizzy when we're on our sunglasses, he said. p/s actually the main reason was our eye power are seriously deep. =(
Well, that's not important anymore, we got our lovely sunglasses for Bali already! I can't wait to wear it! Urgh stupid Evon's eyes! I wanna wear lens for the sunglasses! I never know I can be that happy just because I bought a sunglasses which I don't think it's really necessary for me. Well, who cares? My new baby is so nice!!!
Happy happy day, I always hate this kind of ending in blog post since I think that it's so primary school essay's ending. But then, I just feel wanna scream so badly! Happy happy day!! La la la la la la~ Sing a happy song~~~~~~~