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Friday, January 21, 2011


So what now? What the hell is going on with me? I was still that hyper before few second and now, hm, which level is my mood now?

Suddenly, I felt like, I'm a failed friend. I'm not that kind of person who will be think in the first moment while a friend is in help. I'm not that kind of person who will be think in the first moment while my friend is moody. I'm not the kind of person who people will love to talk to me.

In fact, I'm the kind of person need to show my concern hardly to attract people's attention that let'em know that I'm actually concern about them. I'm the kind of person always need to talk to others first right before they talk to me just because I scare I being forgotten. I'm the kind of person, easily being neglected without notice by others.

Sometimes I don't even know what to say, what to tell, what to do. I'll feel like, hm? I'm not belong to their world? I need to keep asking about their things or else I will never know the thing. Get what I mean? I think you don't. It's okay, I don't know what I talking about also.

It's okay, it's my communication skill problem. In front of my friends, I love to laugh loudly, I love to smile just to show my friendly. But I know, actually I feel suffer with it. I don't need to do this right? I don't even know, who am I anymore.

I need to cool down. I need something that can comfort me. I need someone will always remember me.

I just don't like to being neglected. By the way, who likes?
Just, please, don't forget me, like always.

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